Thursday, July 4, 2013

The 3 Jean Grey Phoenix Costumes

1. Phoenix Costume

Jean Grey Phoenix Costume

After the Phoenix Force duplicated Jean Grey’s body and infused it with some of her life-force and essence, it was intoxicated with human experiences and believed herself to be the one, true Jean Grey reborn. The X-Men had no reason to doubt her and considered the new costume as a symbolic expression of that rebirth. Phoenix wore a green body suit with a black neck area. Long opera gloves and over-knee boots, as well as a sash were made of some golden fabric that almost looked like liquid metal. The clip of the sash as well as the logo on her chest were stylized Phoenix symbols.

 2. Dark Phoenix Costume
Jean Grey Dark Phoenix Costume

When she no longer could repress the dark hungers inside herself, Phoenix transformed into Dark Phoenix. Her costume too changed. Despite the color shift from green to red, this version no longer had a black neckpiece and the chest emblem was much bigger.  

3. White Phoenix Costume

Jean Grey White Phoenix Costume
In the so-called White Hot Room Jean faced an entire host of Phoenixes in differently colored costumes, the color apparently being more than just decorative. Jean herself wore a white version of the standard Phoenix outfit and was referred to as White Phoenix of the Crown, apparently one of the highest ranks. The costume was also worn by Phoenix when she encountered Death after sacrificing herself on the moon.

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